About numbering RFPs and RFIs by job and phase
Creating purchase orders from RFPs
Creating RFPs
Note: This functionality is available only if you have the Document Control Module.
When creating an RFP, you must enter information in the boxes with blue titles to be able to save it. Entering information in the other boxes is optional, but we recommend entering additional information for legal traceability. During the life of this document, you may enter information several times for tracking purposes, such as when you receive information back regarding this RFP.
Note: To use RFP numbering by job, click once in the Request# box and press the F7 key. On the Field Properties window, verify that the setting is Next by Job, or change the setting from Next to Next by Job.
To create an RFP:
Open 6-11-1 Request for Proposal.
Enter header information for the document, as follows:
In the Job box, enter the job for which you are requesting the proposal.
If the job uses phases, enter the phase number in the Phase box.
In the Request# box, accept the number auto-filled by the program, or type a numbering scheme that works for your needs, for example “job number”—(phase number, if used)—RFP number, 216-1-1.
In the Datebox, accept the default date or type a new one.
In the Vendor box, enter the vendor from whom you are requesting the proposal.
In the Description box, enter a brief statement about the proposal.
As needed, do the following:
In the Request by box, enter the employee who is creating the request (optional but recommended).
In the Status list, click the request status.
In the Type list, click the request type (optional but recommended).
Important! Four date boxes are available for storing pertinent information related to the RFP:
- Prices Received.Enter the date that you receive the proposal pricing.
- Prices Expire.Enter the date upon which the proposal pricing will expire.
- Approved.Enter the date the proposal was approved.
- Delivery.Enter the date the proposal was delivered.
In the grid, enter details, as needed:
In the Part# cell, enter the part number.
In the Description cell, enter a brief statement about the item.
In the Alpha Part# cell, enter the alpha part number.
In the Unit cell, enter the unit of measurement.
In the Quantity cell, enter the quantity (optional but recommended).
In the Price cell, enter the price of the item (optional but recommended).
In the Cost Code cell, enter the cost code you want to use.
In the Cost Type cell, enter the cost type.
(Optional) In the Taxable cell, enter Y if the item is taxable. (The program uses the taxability of each detail to calculate the sales tax on the eventual invoice.)
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